How to add ALL offers from Chase with one command

Isn’t it annoying how you want to add all the offers from Chase cards, but you have to add one at a time?

Here’s the method to automatically add all the offers

  1. Run Chrome
  2. Visit the Chase offer page
  3. Open the Chrome Console
    Windows – Shift + CTRL + J
    Mac OS – Option + ⌘ + J
  4. This is the command you want to enter
javascript:a=()=>{window.history.back(); setTimeout(c, Math.random() * 1000 + 300);}; c=()=> { btns=[...document.querySelectorAll('.r9jbij9')].filter(b => b.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].type !== 'ico_checkmark_filled'); b = btns.pop(); if (!b) return console.log('added all!'); b.childNodes[0].click(); setTimeout(a, Math.random() * 1000 + 300); }; c();

5. Now you just wait for all the offers to be added.

Chase Auto Add Offers
