Amex Offers – How to add all offers with one command

It’s annoying having to add each offer one by one from American Express.

This javascript command will let you automatically add all the offers!

  1. Run Chrome
  2. Visit the Amex Offer Page
  3. Open the Chrome Console
    Windows – Shift + CTRL + J
    Mac OS – Option + ⌘ + J
  4. This is the command you want to enter
var offerButtons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("offer-cta axp-offers__global__merchantOfferCta___qKBIE css-261oxr")).filter(btn => btn.title == "Add to Card");
var index;
for (index = 0; index < offerButtons.length; ++index) {
    console.log("Clicking offer button");
    // Wait 2seconds to be nice to AMEX servers :)
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000));

5. Now you just wait for all the offers to be added!

American Express Add All Offers automatically
