Does the Aeron Chair fit in a Tesla Model 3?

I wanted to buy a Herman Miller Aeron Chair from a local seller.

Local seller had the Aeron chair for only $600 while it would easily be $1300+ if I were to buy it new.

The problem? I drive a Tesla Model 3.

Does it fit?

Aeron Chair vs Tesla Model 3

The answer is that, it fits sideways with no issues. This was for an Aeron Chair Size B, which means Size A should fit no problem too. I’d say it wasn’t that hard so a Size C should fit too.

Aeron Chair Size B fits inside a Tesla Model 3

I didn’t even have to scoot up all the way

Model 3 fits Aeron Chair

Make sure to bring towels to cushion your wheels so it doesn’t damage the leather seats

Aeron Chair Size B inside Tesla

Another close up for you

So the answer is that an Herman Miller Aeron Chair WILL fit inside a Tesla Model 3 with no issue. Just bring some towels to make sure you don’t scratch anything.
